- This beautiful pin is 2.5 inches made with hard enamel, screen printing and gold plating.. -
- This is a 'NO GRADE' Pin - By purchasing, you acknowledge this criteria and agree to it.. -
**International shipping is still a bit delayed..**
**Once item is shipped it is out if my hands, but i will help you as much as possible to get things worked out.. Shipping must be re-paid for any possible replacements..**
- Free Shipping on all orders over $45 use code PIXIIEFREESHIP -
**FREE PRIORITY USPS USA SHIPPING with purchases of $100 +**
- Free random small pin with every order of $50 or more.. ($50 before shipping and taxes)
- Free random pin or 2-3 mini pins with every order of $100 or more.. ($100 before shipping and taxes)
**Free Pins will not always be from the same fandom as purchased pins..**
*Cancellation for items can only be requested before the pins have been shipped and a tracking number generated.. Once items have been shipped and a cancellation is still requested, pins must be shipped back at buyers expense**
**Refunds take three to five business days to process*